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How to make a sale with Lightspeed POS



Making a sale with Lightspeed POS is easy.

1. If you've just installed the Lightspeed app on to your device and are opening up the Lightspeed  POS for the first time, you'll need to log in to Back Office first to navigate to POS. Once you've logged in to Back Office you can click the POS button in the top right hand corner or select the 'Launch POS' tile to head to the POS screen.



2. After selecting POS you will be prompted to select a register:

Note: If the register is greyed out it means it has already been assigned to a device, you can still click on a greyed out register and assign it to your device, it will just mean it unassigns the register from the device it was previously assigned to. 


3. You'll then need to select your user profile and enter your pin. 

Note: The default pin for new users is 1 1 1 1 - You can change the default pin via Back Office>Home>Profile page 



3. Once the POS loads, you will be able to see your menu


There are three basic sections on this screen

  • The categories are on the left
  • The main section in the middle where the products are displayed
  • On the right-hand side is the order summary where your order will be displayed until it is sent to be made or, paid for



4. Now we are ready to take an order.

Simply select the category and click on the products you'd like to add to the order.

Some products may prompt you to select different options (Option Sets)

Simply choose the option you need and select save.

Note: You can also search for a product using the search bar along the top of the screen



5. We also need to add an order note. ie;

  • Table number for dine-in
  • Or name for take-away

This note will appear at the top of the kitchens production docket. 



6. And now we can check out our order.


7. Select the payment method - If you are using an Integrated EFTPOS the order total will automatically load directly onto the terminal.  Once payment is received, the terminal will send a confirmation back to Lightspeed and complete the sale. 


8. If your register settings are set to 'prompt to print or email receipt', you'll then be taken to the screen below where you can enter in the customers email to send off their receipt via email. If the customer would like a printed receipt instead, then just hit the print button(if you haven't yet connected your printers head to the Lightspeed App Printing for steps on how to set this up)
Note: You can update your register receipt settings via Back Office>My Site or Sites>Devices. Find out more here


Well done! You've now completed your first sale in Lightspeed! 

What's my next step?

Now that you've made your first sale - you should look into how to edit products in an order, how to split or merge orders, how to hold an order from the POS and how to Refund a sale.




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