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FAQ - How do I secure my revenue and minimise variance using the data I have?


Take action on your data to bank the expected revenue, every time.

Takings should be done regularly to make sure all your accounts are balanced and you are banking the expected amount that has been recorded from sales. If you are already performing end of day takings regularly and are seeing significant variances ( discrepancies between the expected revenue and the recorded amount) - the data can work to your advantage.

With Insights’ Reconciliation Dashboard, you can see data trends of when or with which staff these variances happen. Then you can take action to better secure your revenue.



What’s in this guide?

Before you begin
Accessing the Reconciliation Dashboard
Tour of the Reconciliation Dashboard
Frequently Asked Questions


Before you begin

You will need  Insights enabled from the Back Office


Accessing the Reconciliations Dashboards


1. Launch Insights from the Back Office

2. From the side menu on the left, select Reconciliations

3. You have three dashboards you can access from here:

  • Site Reconciliations Overview- Get insights on the reconciliations done at the site and identify variances by staff, register, as well as payment methods. You can view details on individual reconciliations by just clicking on the reconciliation number.
  • Reconciliations Overview - Get insights on the reconciliations done at your company and identify variances by site, staff, register, as well as payment methods.
  • Individual Reconciliation Drilldown- Drill down into particular reconciliation to identify the money in/out by various payment methods.


4. Once you’ve chosen a dashboard, remember to choose the appropriate Filters (from the upper left part of the screen) and then select Run - you won’t see any data unless you do this first


Note - You can have multiple filters per field (e.g. more than one site or two timeframes) - but keep in mind that this will aggregate the data.


Tour of the Reconciliation Dashboard


Note - When viewing any of the dashboards, make sure to first enter the right filters (upper left of screen) and select Run


A. Site Reconciliations Overview

Identify variances by staff, register, and payment methods at the site level.

1. Site Reconciliation Snapshot

Answers: How many reconciliations are done in the site within the timeframe and what is their total variance? Is there a trend?

How much was paid per payment method?

How much revenue is generated per category?



2. Register Summary & Staff Summary

Answers: How much is the recorded amount, the counted amount, and the variance per register? Per staff?



3. Payment method deep dive

Answers: How much are the payments made, tips, and refunds for each payment type?

How much is the recorded amount, counted amount, and variance per payment type?

Were there any tips withdrawn?

How much is the money in/out?



4. Reconciliations in the Selected Period

Answers: How much was the recorded, counted, and variance amount for each reconciliation entry (number)?

Which register was used, who was the staff, and how many transactions were recorded in each reconciliation entry (number)?



B. Reconciliations Overview

Identify variances by staff, register, and payment methods at the company level.

The results can be filtered by site. If you have more than one site, you can choose to filter by multiple sites - in this case, the data will be aggregated except for the Site Comparison.


1. Reconciliation Snapshot Company

Answers: How many reconciliations are done in the company within the timeframe and what is their total variance? Is there a trend?

How much revenue is generated per category? Per reporting group?




2. Site Comparison

Answers: How do the sites compare in terms of the amount recorded and variance in reconciliations?



3. Payment Method Summary, Register Summary, and Staff Summary

Answers: How much is the recorded amount, the counted amount, and the variance per payment method? Per register? Per staff? - within the company




4. Reconciliations in the Selected Period

Answers: How much was the recorded, counted, and variance amount for each reconciliation entry (number) for the entire company? (unless certain sites were chosen)

Which register was used, who was the staff, and how many transactions were recorded in each reconciliation entry (number)?



5. Payment method deep dive

Answers: How much are the payments made, tips, and refunds for each payment type for the entire company? (unless certain sites were chosen)

How much is the recorded amount, the counted amount, and the variance per payment type?

Were there any tips withdrawn?

How much is the money in/out?



C. Individual Reconciliation Drilldown

This dashboard is best used when you need to look into a reconciliation entry. You can either click on the reconciliation numbers in the first two dashboards - OR go to this dashboard directly with the reconciliation number ready. This number will be used as a filter.



1. Individual Reconciliation Overview

Answers: How much is the variance for this Reconciliation entry?

How much is the revenue for this entry? By category? By reporting group?

How much are the payments, refunds, money in/out’s



2. Individual Reconciliation Deep Dive

Answers: What payment methods and amounts were recorded in this reconciliation entry?

How much was withdrawn, the money in/out, and tips for this entry?



What else can I do to better secure my revenue?

Integrating EFTPOS payments make one step of finalising takings a lot easier. You have plenty of payment integrations to choose from that work well with Lightspeed.


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