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Setting up Time and Attendance


Save time in keeping time. No more excel spreadsheets for you - Lightspeed enables you to monitor time and attendance as your staff members sign in and out of the Point of Sale. The Time and Attendance add-on captures this data and summarizes it into a comprehensive report for you.


Integrate with your Deputy, Tanda, or Keypay platform for seamless rostering and payroll with none of the headaches and all of the analytics.


This guide covers how to setup, use, and generate reports with the Time & Attendance add-on.



What's in this guide?   


Before you begin
Enable Time & Attendance
Clock in & out
View Time and Attendance report
Frequently Asked Questions


Before you begin


You will need to make sure that you have added in your staff as users in Lightspeed. Doing so is not only for Time and Attendance - but also for tracking staff performance and customising user permissions.

After adding your staff, an email invite is sent to their provided email for them to update their details and their PIN.

If you will be setting up any integrations for rostering and payroll (e.g. Deputy, Tanda, Keypay) you would also be needing an account with that platform.


Enable Time & Attendance


1. From the Add-ons Page in Lightspeed Back Office, find the Time & Attendance add-on.



2. Enable this Add-on by clicking on the orange Enable Time & Attendance button



All done! Now, you can teach your staff how to clock in & out.


Clock in & out


Starting and ending the shift is done from the Users page on the Point of Sale. The same goes for starting and ending breaks.


1. Once you open Lightspeed, you will be given the option to go to Back Office or the Point of Sale. Select Go to Point of Sale

2. If your company has more than one site, you may be prompted to select which one


3. Once you see the Users Page, Select All Users (Active Users shows only those already clocked in)


4. Select your user profile


5. Enter your PIN and select Start Shift

(Lightspeed will remember where you are at in your shift so will know which options to show, and which to grey out.)



When you need to clock in during the shift, or have more staff to clock in, you can open the Users page from the Point of Sale by selecting Switch User from the bottom left of the screen



View Time and Attendance report


In this report, you get a comprehensive summary of shift totals broken down into the following elements: Start Time, Finish Time, Break Time, Shift Total inc. breaks, and Shift Total ex. Breaks.


1. From Reports in the Back Office, select Attendance
Use the dropdown menu to filter through the results - You can filter by timeframes, sites, users, and tags.

Pro Tip - Save even more time. You can use tags to quickly and easily organise your attendance reports. Tag users by FOH or BOH to see your cost centres for labour reporting. You can also tag employees as part-time or full-time to have a separate attendance reporting.



Frequently Asked Questions


Do I need to enable this add-on for me to integrate other rostering software?

The Time & Attendance add-on allows your staff to clock on and off directly from the POS without having to switch to a new app and, then this time & attendance data will sync over to your integrated rostering or payroll platform of choice. Our main integrations in this space are Deputy, Tanda, and Keypay


How do I assign schedules, edit logged shift hours, and manage my payroll?


You will need to integrate your Lightspeed with Deputy, Tanda, Keypay or any of our other rostering & payroll integrations. They specialise in HR, payroll and rostering already and integrate seamlessly with Lightspeed for a total platform solution.


What's my next step?


We can tell that you’re the type who values time a lot - save even more time by consolidating and sending your supply purchases in one place. And yes, this syncs with your stock count.


Make the most of your stock and products. Record wastage so you’re always aware of what gets wasted, who has wasted it, and why.


All set with your payment provider? Explore different payment options for your store.


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