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FAQ - What happens when I finish a batch?

The two areas of update are stock levels and cost.

✅ Stock will be updated - for both the ingredient and the finished product

  • The batch ingredient stock level ((e.g. flour) will be decremented 
  • Stock for the batch product (e.g. pizza dough)  will be incremented by the actual yield (not the expected yield)
Note - if there is any difference between the unit of measurement used in the Produce vs. the unit of measurement used in Stock Count in Back Office, this is calculated and converted for you so that they update seamlessly. Just make sure to set up the default size (found in Back Office) and the measurement units (in Back Office and in Produce) correctly. 
Note - Default size is only needed if a product is measure by L, mL, g, or kg. 
Note -  Products that are declared as ‘I do not stock this’ in Back Office will not have stock levels updated.

Take these for example:

1) Pizza base and flour


  • Pizza bases are measured in units and Flour is measured by weight as 2 kg.
  • 1 completed batch NEEDS 125g flour and YIELDS 25 units of pizza bases.
  • After finishing the batch: - 0.065 from the 2kg flour AND +25 pizza base units


2) Mulled wine and sugar


  • Mulled wine is measured by volume as 250 mL and Sugar is measured by weight as 1kg.
  • 1 completed batch NEEDS 100g of Sugar and YIELDS 10L Mulled wine
  • After finishing the batch: -0.1 from the 100g Sugar and +40 Mulled wine
    • Why not “+10000mL” Mulled wine? Because we’ve indicated the Default Size of Mulled wine is at 250ml - so the stock quantity will be automatically calculated to be +40.

✅Cost price will be recorded

What gets measured gets managed. This is why Produce helps you keep tabs on your cost breakdown. You will see the following details under the Batch history tab once a batch is marked as finished:

  • The cost of a batch (e.g. 20 Pizza bases)
    • calculated by adding the cost of all of the batch ingredients
  • The cost of each unit in the batch (e.g. 1 Pizza base)
    • the cost of the batch divided by the actual yield
  • The cost of each batch ingredient (e.g. 125g Flour)
    • the quantity used multiplied by the cost price of that product (as set in Back Office) or the average cost price (if it exists.)
    • Any decimal calculations needed for batch ingredients (those ingredients with a different unit of measurement from their corresponding stock item) - is done in the background.

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