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Sync Purchase Orders to Xero


Marking a purchase order as received in Lightspeed will sync it seamlessly into your accounting platform. No more double handling! Take back your time to spend it doing the things you love - like running your business.

Once you have set up your Xero Integration to sync your takings and sales data, this guide will take you through the steps to syncing your purchase orders.




What's in this Guide?



Things you'll need before you get started.

Before sending Purchase Orders to Xero, you will need to prepare a few things before you can get started

  • You will need to have a Xero account. 
  • You will need to have a paid Xero plan.
  • You will need to have configured your Accounting Integration setup.
  • You will need to have the Purchase Advanced plan


Sending a Purchase Order to Xero

You will first need to create a Purchase Order in Lightspeed and mark that as Received. You can find step by step instructions for this here

Once the Purchase Order has been marked as Received and you have a connected Xero Accounting Integration to Purchase Order will be queued for export.

If the export is successful, you will see a Success badge.


Otherwise, it will show a Failed badge under the Post status.




Where do Purchase Orders export to in Xero?

When you mark a Purchase Order as Received in Lightspeed, this will then be sent as either a Draft, Submitted or Approved Bill invoice into Xero based on your settings configured in your Accounting Integration.

To access your Draft invoices, you can select Business and Bills to Pay from the menu bar in Xero.


The three sections you will find your Purchase Orders in based on your export settings are:

Draft Export - This will go into the Bills to Pay > Draft invoices section

Awaiting Approval Export - This will go into the Bills to Pay > Awaiting Approval invoices section

Awaiting Payment Export - This will go into the Bills to Pay > Awaiting Payment invoices section

Your Purchase Order invoice will have;

  • A Prefix if this was set in your Accounting Integration
  • The Invoice Number for the Purchase Order
  • The Products you have added to the order. (Note: If products are added in quantities, they will appear as separate lines in Xero)




Are we able to send through Negative line Purchase Orders to Xero?

When a negative Purchase Order is created in Purchase.

  • Eg: - 1 Palochina Wood

This will remove the stock from your Inventory.mceclip0.png


How does this work?

1. When creating a negative Purchase Order, enter a negative number in the QTY field.


2. Tap the unit price on the right side of your screen to access the edit item section. In the edit item section, tap the unit price to access the pricing calculator. Tap the "-" symbol to make it a negative amount. Hit apply changes.


It should end up like this. 

  • Negative QTY
  • Negative Unit Price
  • Positive Total


3. The way this is handled when we export to Xero is via Credit Notes. When the Purchase Order exports as part of the purchase workflow for the Xero Integration, it will create a credit note in the Bills to Pay section in Xero.


You can then complete this credit note to add a credit back to the mapped accounts. 



Frequently Asked Questions


Do I have to pay anything extra for the Xero Integration?

No. Certain integrations are only available on certain plans - this purchase data sync is only included under the Purchase Advanced plan, however, if you decide to integrate your with Xero, you’ll have to subscribe to their services as well as ours.

How does Lightspeed sync my Suppliers to Xero?

We simply match the Supplier Name field to the Xero field Contact Name as a unique identifier, however, for any Supplier that fails to sync correctly, you can now map this in the Supplier mapping in our Xero Integration!


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