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Adding Users (Staff Logins)


Foster employee growth, create accountability, and delegate responsibility. Creating logins for your staff is just the beginning. You will get access to functionalities for monitoring attendance, tracking sales performance, and managing permissions.


This guide covers how to give your staff Lightspeed logins and it’s way easier than you think.



What's in this guide? 

Adding Users  

Frequently Asked Questions 


 Adding Users


1. From the Back Office, select People

2. Select the orange Invite a new user at the top of the screen

3. You will see this dialogue box. Provide the name and email of your staff


4. At this stage, you can either select Invite to email the user or Invite & Edit User to enter more user details and manage permissions 


Frequently Asked Questions


Do I need to provide an email for each user?

If you don’t provide the email, the invite will not be sent. The user profile will still be able to log into the Point of Sale, but won’t be able to access the Back Office.

Do I need to pay for more staff logins?

Nope. Add as many as you like. Adding in all your staff will allow you to track their overall performance - as well as delegate responsibilities more effectively by managing user permissions.

How do I monitor the attendance of my staff after they receive their logins?

Not yet, but you’re only a step away. Check out our add-on, Time and Attendance.


What's my next step?

Did you know that you can manage user permissions on Lightspeed? This is a great way to delegate responsibilities and limit access to more sensitive functions.


No more excel spreadsheets for you - start tracking your labour with the Time and Attendance Add-on. This will enable your staff to clock in & out on Lightspeed with their PIN.

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