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What is included in Insights Live Lite?


Insights Live: POS Dashboard - App su Google Play


What Dashboards are included in Insights Live Lite

Customers will be able to access the Daily Dashboard, but will need to upgrade to any paid Insights plan to be able to access the Weekly and Monthly ones.


What Trends data does Insights Live Lite have access to?

Trends will be limited to one measure, Revenue.


Does Insights Live Lite have access to Benchmarks?

Benchmarks are only available on the Paid version of Insights Live, it's not available on the Insights Live Lite application. 


Does Insights Live Lite have access to Alerts?

Alerts will be limited to 1 Deleted Alert per day and 1 Reconciliation Alerts per week.

Note: The Reconciliation Alert will include example data & not your actual site data.



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