Whether you call it Combo deal, Set meal, Value meal, Banquet dinner, or Package set, you can easily set this up on Lightspeed using Option Sets. Lightspeed empowers you to customise according to your menu's sales flow.
A combo deal is a set of products chosen (e.g. Main - Veggie Burger, Side - Salad, Drinks - Lemonade) and purchased as one. This is different from a Course because Courses do not necessarily mean that the whole Course is bought as one. If you need to set up Course meals, we have a separate guide for that.
This guide focuses on how to create combo deals using Options Sets.
What's in this guide?
Before you start
Create the Combo Deal
--Create the product a.k.a the Combo Deal
--Create the Option Sets and Options
--Set Option Set Rules
--Link the Option Set to the Combo Deal
Sell the Combo Deal
Frequently Asked Questions
Before you start
You would first need to have the Option Sets Add-on enabled.
Getting Started
A combo deal is a set of products chosen and purchased as one. It is important that you understand how this translates to Option Sets.
The product - the name of the combo deal (e.g. Burger Combo.)
- This is a product because customers would purchase the whole combo as one.
The Option Set - the group of choices under the deal (e.g. Main, Side, and Drinks.)
- You can limit the number of choices staff can enter per Option Set (e.g. only one selection for Main, two for side, and one for drinks) - we'll discuss how to do this later.
The Options - falling under the Option Sets, these are the choices (e.g. Veggie Burger, Salad, and Lemonade)
- You can set up additional pricing for certain choices (e.g. additional $1.50 for the Deluxe Burger as the Main, additional $0.50 for large fries as the Side)
Create the Combo Deal
Create the product a.k.a the Combo Deal
1. Under Products from the Back Office, select Add Products
2. Enter the following details
- Add new product - name of the Combo deal
- Add Category - under which category will it appear on the Point of Sale - you need to choose one for it to appear on the POS at all
- Sales Price - Enter the price of the combo deal
- Select Sales - Enter the associated tax
3. Select Save and edit product - you will be taken to Product Info
Create the Option Sets and Options
4. Select Option Sets at the far right of the Product Info tab
5. Select Create - then select Create Option Set
6. Enter the name of the Option Set in the dialogue box
Note - Option Sets will group your options (e.g. Main, Sides, Drinks)
7. Select Create
8. This will automatically open up the fields for you to enter the details of the first Option (e.g. Veggie Burger) - select the plus icon to enter the Option
Note - If you need to add in existing products as Options, you can. Just enter the product name on the Options field.
Note - Leave the price at $0.00 if there is NO additional cost for this Option. Remember that the Combo Deal already has a price. In the example below, the Seafood Burger would cost $5.50 because of the additional $0.50 entered beside it.
Note - Once you have multiple Options, you can use the drag icon beside each to drag and drop them into the desired sequence.
9. Repeat steps 4 to 8 for all the Option Sets you have left (in this example, we have Side and Drinks remaining)
Set Option Set Rules
10. Select Rules beside Options. Here is where you can set the following:
- Minimum Selection: Your staff will be required to select a minimum number of options - Perfect for mandatory questions.
- Maximum Selection: This will give a limit to how many options your staff can select for this Option Set
- Show Option Prefixes (No, Extra, Side, Only): Set to Yes if you want these additional instructions to show along with the Options you set. This is extra useful in relaying instructions to the kitchen about an order.
Note - You will need to set these rules individually for each Option Set.
Link the Option Set to the Combo Deal
The last step! We want to make sure the Option Set is linked to the Combo Deal
11. Select Link to Products
12. Search for the name of the Combo Deal
13. Under the field Linked Option Sets enter the name of the Option Set (e.g. Main) - this would assign the Option Sets and all its Options under this Combo Deal.
Do the same for all other Option Sets (e.g. Side and Drinks)
On the right side, you can toggle the auto-prompt to yes/no
- Yes - The Option Sets will open after the order is selected
- No - For the Option Sets to open, staff would need to select the order from the order summary on the Point of Sales, then select Options
Note - Entering Rules will set the Option Set's auto-prompt toggle to Yes
14. Rearrange the sequence of how your Option Sets will appear on your Point of Sale by selecting the arrow beside the auto-prompt toggle - from there, you can use the drag and drop feature to rearrange the Option Sets
Sell the Combo Deal
Now we'll check how it looks on the Point of Sale!
1. From the Point of Sale, you should be able to find the Combo Deal as a product tile under your chosen category.
The plus icon on its upper right signifies that it has Option Sets
2. Select the Combo Deal. Because the auto-prompt was toggled to yes in this example, the Option Sets will open upon selecting the order, like so:
3. Once the order is done it will be on the order summary like so:
Frequently Asked Questions
What else can I use Option Sets for?
Option Sets are ideal for a wide array of uses. You can use Option Sets for (1) prompting staff to ask important questions or upsell, (2) add/ remove ingredients from each menu item, or (4) grouping modifiers together - for these, you can refer to our guide on creating and selling with Option Sets
Can I add existing products as Options?
Yes, you can. Just enter the product name when you create the Options under the Option Set.
What's my next step?
Maximize the full power of Lightspeed menu tools!
- Make sure customers get exactly what they ordered. Record item changes, such as no salad or extra bacon, in just a few taps using Product Modifiers.
- If you sell a product in different sizes, flavours or with any other variable attribute, check out Product Variants - this will allow you to sell as many product variations as you need - all in a neat and tidy menu.
- Need flexibility in entering quantities and prices at the POS - like when selling by the ounce or kilo? Now you can set specific products to automatically ask staff to enter a quantity or price using Variable Quantities and Prices.
- Need to add product description, tags, barcodes, and the like? Check out advanced product settings!