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FAQ - How do I optimise my venue layout using data?


Data-driven decisions that create better experiences.

Tables are where customers spend most of their time with your business. So this portion of real estate plays a massive role in creating unforgettable experiences. What if you had the data to determine what works and what doesn't work for your tables?


With Insights - Table Insights, you can derive the data from your Tables Add-on and use this data to answer key questions like:

  • Are there certain tables that make customers stay longer and order more? Which ones? What’s the pattern? How can I make every table like this?
  • What’s the commonality among the tables where people rarely sit or stay long? What can I do to improve them?




What’s in this guide?


Before you begin

Accessing Tables Insights

Tour of Tables Insights

Frequently Asked Questions


Before you begin


You will need:


Accessing Tables Insights


1. Launch Insights from the Back Office

2. From the side menu on the left, select Site Performance

3. Then, select Tables Insights



4. Once you’ve chosen a dashboard, remember to choose the appropriate Filters (from the upper left part of the screen) and then select Run - you won’t see any data unless you do this first



Note - You can have multiple filters per field (e.g. more than one site or two timeframes) - but keep in mind that this will aggregate the data.


Tour of Tables Insights


Note - When viewing any of the dashboards, make sure to first enter the right filters (upper left of screen) and select Run


1. Tables Overview

Answers: On average, how much is the value of each transaction? (ATV)

On average, how long do guests usually stay on a table? (Table turn-over)

How many guests dine in vs those who have the food to go? (Table Added vs Not added)



2. Tables Comparison

Answers: Which table has the highest average transaction value? (ATV)

Which tables have the highest sales value? Which have the most number of sales? 




3. Table Summary

Answers: What are the turnover times for each table and how much revenue is being ` generated per minute?

When are the tables the busiest? When are the quiet times?

Which days of the week are the busiest? Which are the quiet days?



4. Guest Summary

Answers: Which tables have the highest spend per guest amounts?

On average, how much do guests spend?





What's my next step? 

With Lightspeed's Tables add-on, you can empower your staff to be more efficient and give your customers a stellar dining experience. On top of this, you can collect valuable data to track your guest count and their average spend by pairing Tables with the Guest Tracking add-on.



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