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Setting up order reminders


We all know how crucial it is to make sure you never run out of stock. Order Reminders can save you from the nightmare of depleted inventory. Setup automatic reminders for purchasing at the schedule you need.

If you just need a reminder, but don’t want to automatically send any orders, this is for you. 
But keep in mind - you can automate sending your orders too - check out this guide on recurring orders.

This guide covers creating and scheduling Order Reminders.



What’s in this guide?

Before you begin
Create and schedule order reminders
Frequently Asked Questions


Before you begin


You will need:

Follow along with the guides linked above before proceeding to the next steps 😉


Create and schedule Order Reminders


1. Launch Purchase from the Back Office

2. From the side menu on the left, select Order Reminders - then select New reminder



3. Select a supplier from your list of added suppliers.

4. You will be taken to this page where you can enter the following details about your order reminder:

  • Email reminder to - use this field to enter the email/s to which the reminder will be sent.
    Note - the site owner is automatically included as a recipient of the order reminder.
  • Reminder name - choose a name to easily recognise this order reminder in the future. You can mention what products need to be ordered on this line.
  • Repeat on - choose the day/s of the weeks when this reminder will be sent
  • Send reminder at - choose a time when the reminder will be sent
  • Starts on - choose a starting date for this order reminder
  • Repeat every - choose the frequency by which the order reminder will be sent on the selected day of the week. Could be weekly; or every 2, 3, or 4 weeks


5. Select Save reminder

The order reminder is created!
After you have set up this order reminder, you can edit it from the Order Reminders page


Frequently Asked Questions


Once I made an order reminder, can I turn it off?

For this, you have two options. If you want the reminder to stop permanently, you can delete it. If you would like to put it on hold up to a certain date, simply change the Start date of the order reminder


Once I made an order reminder, can I edit it?

Yes you can. Simply select the reminder from the list on the Order Reminders page.


What is the difference between recurring orders and Order Reminders?

Recurring purchase orders are actual orders that are sent automatically and repeatedly on the specified schedule. They notify the Lightspeed user one hour in advance before automatically sending the purchase order to the chosen email/s, to the site owner, and to the supplier.

Meanwhile, Order Reminders are email prompts for the Lightspeed user towards an action - like create a purchase order, send a draft, and etc. This reminder sends to the chosen email/s and to the site owner.


Do I need to pay for this feature?

Different features are offered on our Purchase Plans - so check if this is already included in yours. If you need a plan upgrade it's a fine day for a power-up! Talk to us.


What else can I do to optimise my purchasing?

  • Automation makes life easier. With Lightspeed Purchase, you can automate sending purchase orders to your suppliers using Recurring orders.
  • Need an instant decision on what to purchase from your suppliers? Recommended orders allows you to instantly see all that you need to buy from your supplier and send an autogenerated order with just a few taps. 
  • With Produce, managing recipes and stock accuracy is easy. Every time a product is sold (or entered as wastage), it will automatically update your stock count of how much of the ingredients are left.



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