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Adding Pictures & Advanced Product Settings

Beautify your POS with a pic of that amazing Eggs Benny. And whether you are needing to clean up your stock sheet (because you don't count Lattes on your stocktake) or, just needing to update your Cost of Goods pricing - you have come to the right place.




What's in this guide?

Before you begin
Add a picture to your product
Advanced Product Settings
Product Info
-Product Details
-Product Prices
-Product Options
-Product Management
Frequently Asked Questions


Before you begin 

Before you start looking at editing these settings - you need to have added some products - Check out our guide to Add and Manage your Products 

To open the settings page for your products, click on the cog wheel on the right or, the image or initials on the left (as seen below).




Add a Picture to your Product


1. Select the image or initials on the right side of the Products Info page

2. Search for the image on your computer

3. Crop image as needed and click save. Voila!



Note: When it comes to image size you don't want to use anything too large, as it is only going to be used as an icon on the POS. However you don't want something too small and appear blurry.

We recommend images that are .JPG or .PNG with equal sides.

As close to 500x500 as possible.

Advanced Product Settings

When you open up the product settings page, you will find several tabs along the top of the page.


In this guide, we will cover two of these:  

As for the other tabs, we've covered them in their own separate guides. These have more options for customisation that we want to cover in detail:


Product Info  - Product Details  

  • Product Number - A field often used for custom integrations such as e-Commerce. Not use by Lightspeed , however, this field is searchable from the POS - so could be used for a SKU code. 
  • Product Name - The name you gave your product/modifier. No two names can be the same. These names will also print on Tax Receipts and Production Dockets and, will show on your Purchase orders or Stocktake sheets - so choose your names wisely. Staff can search for this name description using the search bar in  POS.
  • Measured - Use this field to specify if the product (or stock item) is measured "In units", "by Volume", or "by Weight". If you choose "by Volume" or "by Weight", you can specify a default size. If you're just starting out, you can leave this for now. We'll talk more about this in our guide on creating recipes.
  • Barcode - Need to use a barcode? Then this is the field for you. Used in conjunction with a barcode scanner or just manually entered in the search bar on the POS to find your products with ease.
Note - If you have a lot of products and, are tech-savvy, you might find it easier to Bulk import your product list to save time.
  • Description - Full description of the product. This function will be utilised in the future, allowing users direct access to additional information whenever they need it.
  • Tags - Need granular reporting? To split your products into groups based on supplier or location for easier stocktaking? Then tags are the answer for you. You can tag an item as many times as you want, simply separate each tag with a space when typing. Tags are used to search on POS, filter reports and filter stocktakes.


Product Prices

  • Sell Price - The sell price of a product is company-wide. If you need to change the prices for individual sites, you can set this up using Price Lists.
  • Sell Tax - The specific Tax Type you are selling this product with. If you need a tax that is not on this list, you can Manage your taxes in Lightspeed back office
  • Variable Price Prompt - if you sell Market Price, Open Food, or simply just a product that has a price changing each time, then the Variable Price Prompt is for you - simply toggle this to Yes and choose the price range.
Pro Tip - the fixed Sell Price above needs to fall into this range.


  • Cost Price - a.k.a Cost of Goods. A company-wide fixed cost price for this product. If you are using Lightspeed  Inventory to purchase stock then your products will use the Average Stock Price (see below).
  • Cost Tax - The specific Tax Type you are buying this product with. If you need a tax that is not on this list, you can Manage your taxes in  back office
  • Average Cost Price ($) - Average Cost Price is calculated from the last 30 days of purchase orders

Note - The cost price fields can show up to 4 decimal places.

Product Options

  • Make this product a modifier - Remember when we discussed Modifiers when we were adding our products to Lightspeed ? To refresh your memory, a modifier is a common change to the product(s) that your customers might request (but generally aren't sold solo) - soy milk for coffee or rare for that cut of steak
  • Print Production Docket - You probably don't need to toggle this. This toggle will control whether or not this product will print on your production dockets - no matter what your Production Printing settings are.
Pro Tip - Use this Print Production setting with great caution.
  • Variable Quantity Prompt - Do you sell coffee beans by the kg? Or function packages per person? Then this could be right up your alley - this will prompt your staff for a quantity every time it is sold. Simply toggle this to Yes to turn this feature on for this product.


Product Management

  • Sites - Choose which sites this product will be available for. This option is only used where there is more than one store under your Lightspeed company.
  • POS Categories - Check the box to show this product in your favourite categories on the Kpounta POS screen. Need help adding categories? Check out our guide on Adding Categories to your POS Screen
Pro Tip - Categorise your products to make them easy to find on the POS screen



Some of our customers are still using our old Accounting Package Integrations - but for you dear reader, you can ignore the three sections titled;

" Cost of Sales Account "

" Income Account for Tracking Sales "

" Asset Account for Item Inventory "

What we want to look at is the three toggles below;



  • I Buy This Item - This will allow you to order this product from your Suppliers using the Purchase Orders in the Lightspeed back office.
Pro Tip - Turn this off for items you make in store that are not purchased from suppliers
  • I Sell This Item - This will allow your staff to sell this product on the POS
Pro Tip - Turn this off for your raw ingredients and products that you do not sell
Pro Tip - Turn this off for your products that are sold but you do not count - ie Coffees


Frequently Asked Questions


How do I add a picture to my items on the POS?

You've got it - just scroll down for our Add a Picture to your Product section below


How do I see what my GP% is?

While you can update your cost price on this page, you need to check out our Sales By Report to report on this figure.


Why are my product photos not uploading? I'm using an Android device.

Goto the Lightspeed POS app settings and give it storage permission - the permission required by an app to store or access your device’s storage.


What else can I do?






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