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Setting Up Reporting Groups


See trends in your sales data much faster with Reporting Groups. Reporting Groups on Lightspeed Insights offers a mutually exclusive way to aggregate data - showing you a clear sales breakdown.

This guide covers how to assign reporting groups and maximise them on Insights.



What’s in this guide?


Before you begin

What are Reporting Groups

Create and assign Reporting Groups

View reporting groups on Insights

Reporting Groups Overview

Individual Reporting Group Performance

Frequently Asked Questions


Before you begin


You would need:


What are Reporting Groups


Reporting Groups vs. Categories

Reporting groups are mutually exclusive because they are meant to aggregate data on product sales. Categories are not mutually exclusive - one product could be in multiple categories - unlike reporting groups. This means that Sales-by-Category (in reports) is more of a measure of how the category performs than a breakdown of product sales.


Reporting Groups vs. Tags

Just like categories, tags are not mutually exclusive and therefore are not dedicated to reflecting a sales breakdown. Tags are used for searchability purposes and for filtering through basic reports in the Reports Page of the  Back Office. Tags are not in  Insights.


Create and assign Reporting Groups


1. From the Products page in the Back Office, select Reporting Groups

2. To create a reporting group, select Add Reporting Group

Note - You can delete reporting groups on this same page


3. You will see a dialogue box. Enter the name of your new reporting group - then select Add Group


Note - Keep in mind that these will be mutually exclusive groupings - so think of the best way to group your sales data. For most food and beverage businesses, the common reporting groups used are Food, Drink, and Retail.


4. Time to assign the reporting groups you’ve made to your products. Select Products

5. Enter the reporting group for each product under the Reporting Group column



Note - Products with no reporting group assigned will appear on Insights under a group called None

View reporting groups on  Insights


There are two ready-made reports on  Insights that will automatically show the sales breakdown by reporting groups.


Reporting Groups Overview

This shows the percentage and ranking of your reporting groups by revenue. This answers: how did the reporting groups contribute to total revenue?


1. Under Reports from  Insights, select Product Performance  on the left-hand menu

2. Select Reporting Groups Overview



This is what the report looks like:



Individual Reporting Group Performance


This shows the revenue generated from the reporting group side by side with the product breakdown under that reporting group. This answers: how did the individual products contribute to the revenue of the reporting group?


1. From the Reporting Groups Overview, you’ve learned to access above, drill down into each individual reporting group by selecting it



2. Next, select Individual Reporting Group Performance



This is what the report looks like:



Frequently Asked Questions


How do I use my reporting groups as a dimension in a report I am building?

If you have the Insights - Custom plan, you will be able to create your own reports from data sets of your choice. Of course, reporting groups would be one of the dimensions.

You will find reporting groups under Build From> Sale Detail under the Products Dimensions.

If you still haven’t tried out building your own reports, check out this guide on building custom reports and dashboards. 


What's my next step?


Still needing to navigate through Insights better? Our guide on Getting around Insights will be helpful if you are just starting out.

Start creating your own custom reports and dashboards. with Insights - Custom plan.

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