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Installing the Lightspeed iOS Beta


The Beta version should only be installed upon request of the Lightspeed Support team. It is not intended for general use.



What's in this Guide?

Downloading the Apple TestFlight app

Opening Apple TestFlight

Accepting an invite to join the Lightspeed iOS Beta

Installing beta apps from Apple TestFlight


Downloading the Apple TestFlight app


The TestFlight application is available to all users via the iTunes App Store.


1. Open to AppStore on your iOS Device


2. Search for the term Test Flight, you should see a result that looks exactly like the screenshot below.




3. Click Get and then Install to download Apple TestFlight to your device


Opening Apple TestFlight


1. Once it's downloaded, open the application


2. Sign in with your Apple ID credentials to get started


Note - When you first launch the application and have no invitations to join a beta testing program, the application will appear empty (as shown below) This is normal - read on below and we'll show you how to accept a beta invitation.



Accepting an invitation to join the Lightspeed iOS Beta


Whenever someone gives you an invitation to join a beta testing program via the Apple TestFlight service, you'll receive an email from the inviting developer/company that includes an Open in TestFlight button.


1. Select this link - it will open the TestFlight application installed on your device (or, if you don't have TestFlight installed, it will prompt you to do so).

If you're already signed into your Apple ID in TestFlight, the beta application will automatically be added to your account.


Installing beta apps from Apple TestFlight


Once you've accepted an invitation from a developer to be a part of a TestFlight beta testing program, you'll see the app you accepted appear inside of the TestFlight application on any of the devices where you're signed into the same Apple ID.


To install the latest version of an application:


1. Select an app to install and select the Accept button


2. You will be prompted with an Install button - select the Install button


3. When the download is complete, the Install button turns into an Open button - select Open


Note - Just like with the iTunes App Store, the beta version of the application will be placed on your home screen and after downloading, it will be installed and able to run on your device just like any iTunes App Store app.






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