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Getting around Lightspeed Insights


Insights gives savvy hospitality operators like you all the data you could ever need (in one place) to make fast, informed, revenue generating decisions.

Discover new perspectives on your data and access powerful filtering, visualisation and broadcasting features.




Frequently Asked Questions


How often does the data update?

Assuming that your POS is online you will see your sales and revenue data is up to date to the last 10 minutes. If you are making bigger changes to your products and staff (deleting, adding, editing), then these will take up to an hour to be reflected in Insights.

Read - How often should I be looking at Dashboards?


How do I manually refresh a dashboard to see the latest data?

From the settings cog wheel in the top right of each dashboard, you can select the option to " Clear Cache and Refresh "




Before you begin


What dashboards can I see?


What do the filters do?

How do I drill down into my reports?

How do I toggle data on/off the dashboard?




Before you begin

This might be an obvious one, but before you start looking into your data, it helps to have data available. Make sure that you have a few hours of trading data (at least) under your belt to start utilising these reports.

You will also need to have Enabled your Lightspeed Insights.



What dashboards can I see?

Through the extensive feedback from our customers, we have pre-built several ready to use dashboards full of data visualisations to help you spot opportunities to grow your bottom line.


Company Performance

The Company Performance dashboard is only visible to customers with more than one site - naturally. Otherwise what you are looking for is the Site Overview report below.

Company Overview 
Give you a snapshot of how your company is performing across all sites within your nominated time period, and also how you're tracking for the year to date.



Site Performance

Site Overview
Get a snapshot of how your site is tracking today, this week and this year. The summary includes total sales and category, product, staff and register performance.

Site Summary
Take a look at your site's performance over a nominated time period. The summary includes total sales and category, product, staff and register performance.

Site Comparison
For multi-site companies, select two sites and compare their performance side by side across your chosen time period.

Service Period Comparison - Breakfast vs. Lunch
Compare your site's performance side by side across service periods. Defaults to Breakfast (4 am - 11 am) vs. Lunch (11 am - 5 pm) - you can customise these timeframes in the dashboard filters.

Service Period Comparison - Lunch vs. Dinner
Compare your site's performance side by side across service periods. Defaults to Lunch (11 am - 5 pm) vs. Dinner (5 pm - Midnight) - you can customise these timeframes in the dashboard filters.

Tables Insights 
Understand how each of your tables is performing in terms of sales, turn over times, guests, and also get a view of how different tables perform on different days of the week or different times of the day


Product Performance

Company Weekly Product Overview
This dashboard shows the top-selling products across your company. You can also see the products that have improved or declined the most in terms of sales week on week.

ReadWhat is working on my Menu, and what is not?

Individual Product Performance
Select a specific product and drill down into how it's performed over your chosen time period.

ReadWhy do I need to know the quantity & $ of a product sold?

Product Across Sites
For multi-site companies, choose a product and see how it's performed across all of your sites within your chosen time period.

Product Comparison
Select two products and compare their performance side by side across your chosen time period.

Individual Reporting Group Performance
Select a Reporting Group and see the breakdown, volume and value of its sales, as well as the top-selling products, in any given period.

ReadIs a new Special dish/offer working?

Reporting Groups Overview
Understand the breakdown, volume and value of your sales by Reporting Group in any given period.

Individual Reporting Group Performance for Reconciliation period 
Select a Reporting Group and see the breakdown, volume, and value of its sales, as well as the top-selling products for any given reconciliation period.

ReadWhat is a Reporting Group?

Individual Product Performance for Reconciliation period
Select a specific product and drill down into how it's performed over your chosen reconciliation period.


Staff Performance

Staff Overview
This dashboard shows the top-selling staff across your company in terms of revenue, average sale value and most sales refunded.

Individual Staff Performance 
Select a specific staff member and drill down into how they've performed over your chosen time period.

Staff Comparison 
Select two staff members and compare their performance side by side across your chosen time period.



Read - How do I keep track of price adjustments and promos?

Adjustment Snapshot
Get a high-level overview & comparison of all adjustments and promotions at your company with the ability to filter down to an individual site.

Adjustments Feed
Get detailed information on adjustments applied such as exactly when it happened, who did it & what products were they applied to.


Customer Sales

Customer Overview
Gives an overview of sales with customers added vs. those without. Also, see your top customers by spend.

Individual Customer Sales 
Look at a specific customer's details, their value and their product purchase activity.



Company Payments Overview
For multi-site companies, get an overview of your payments received within a specified timeframe and see trends over time.

Payment Type Performance
See how much of a particular payment type you've taken in any given period. Also, check historical trends for this payment type.

Site Payments Overview
Get an overview of your site's payments received within a specified timeframe and see trends over time.



Site Reconciliations Overview 
Get insights on the reconciliations done at the site and identify variances by staff, register, as well as payment methods. You can view details on individual reconciliations by just clicking on the reconciliation number.

Reconciliations Overview 
Get insights on the reconciliations done at your company and identify variances by site, staff, register, as well as payment methods.

Individual Reconciliation Drilldown 
Drill down into particular reconciliation to identify the money in/out by various payment methods.


Deleted Orders

Read - How do I review deleted orders?

Company overview - Deleted Orders
Get a view on the venue and number of orders deleted at a company level and compare sites based on order deletions.

Deleted order details
Investigate each individual deleted order at your site in terms of the value of the order as well as the staff that opened and deleted the order.

Site summary - Deleted Orders
Understand the worth of deleted orders at your site at an overall level as well as at a daily level and by day of the week.



Wastage Insights  
Get deeper insights on your wastage to understand the potential revenue loss along with trends in wastage recorded. Identify the most common wastage reasons and further drilldown into wastage by staff and
reporting groups.

Product level wastage 
Product level summary of all wastage recorded and the reasons for wastage

Staff level wastage 
Understand all the wastage recorded by your staff within a time period

Wastage entry details 
Line level detail (who, when, why, what) of all the wastage recorded




Purchase Insights  
Get detailed insights on your purchase history to understand the status of various orders and identify the top products you have ordered as well as the top suppliers your order from.

Individual Purchase Order Details
Drill into individual purchase orders to understand the transition between different order status and the value of the order

Product Purchase Trends
Get a view of your product purchasing trends by month and day of the week



Open Orders

Open Orders
Get high-level insights on the number and value of all your open orders, understand the trend in orders being put on account (as well as bar tabs and lay-by) and identify your most valuable customers.

Individual Customer Open Orders
Look up all the open orders for any of your customers and filter on orders based on any time period.

ReadHow do I keep track of my open orders under account sales, lay by, and bar tab?


What do the filters do?

Each dashboard has its own set of filters relevant to the information that is displayed.

These filters allow restricting the data displayed based on criteria you specify. For example, you might want to filter the results to the last three months, or for a certain staff member.




When choosing a date range in my filters, what’s the difference between ‘complete’ weeks/days and normal weeks/days?

If I choose ‘last 1 complete week’, this will give me the previous completed Monday to Sunday time period. If I choose ‘last 1 week’ I will display data from the current week to date.






How do I drill down into my reports?

Currently, you can click on Site, Product and Staff names (on any dashboard where these are displayed) to drill down deeper into information about that particular entity.

Simply click on the name and select the link to the drill down dashboard.




How do I toggle data on/off the dashboard?

You can also choose to hide or show different data from each report on the dashboard simply by turning on or off the toggle for the corresponding data point in the report's legend.





Navigated here by mistake and actually looking for our basic back office reports? You can find more information on each of these reports reports

Looking for how to send, share & schedule your reports? We have a guide for that too.


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