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Getting Around Insights Live

With Insights Live, you can stay on top of your business even when you're not in the venue. If you’re reading this guide, you probably already have an idea of what Insights Live can do. If not, check out our guide, Welcome to Insights Live, where we talk about the exciting features that you can access with this app.


If you want a tour of what you can find and do on Insights Live, read on. Make sure you’ve set up Insights Live on your mobile and let’s begin!

You can also go to our guide on Frequently Asked Questions about Insights Live.


What’s in this guide? 

Before you begin

What can I find under Dashboard?
Revenue | Guest | Profit | Reporting Groups | Order Types

What can I find under Trends?
Measures | Monthly Trend | Weekly Trend 

What can I find under Alerts?
Reconciliations | End of Day Reports 

Before you begin

You will need:


What can I find under Dashboard? 

Here you will find the most important numbers to your business for the Day, Week or Month. Starting at the high level numbers so you can easily keep your finger on the pulse, yet just as easy to see how your Reporting Groups and Orders Types are performing.


This section shows the following:

  • Revenue -  the total value of all sales made (orders that have been paid for + open orders) within the time range. 
  • Average Transaction - Revenue divided by the total number of orders within the time range.
  • The Revenue Trend graph - this shows you how the Revenue is expected to perform for the day, week, or month based on historical data.


Note - Tap to see even more detail on the hour of the day, day of the week or day of the month to see how it compares to the average 


This section shows the total number of guests within the chosen time range - along with the average amount spent per person, compared to your benchmark. 


Note - The data here is taken from Lightspeed’s Guest Tracking add-on. If you want Guest Tracking for your venue, you can check out our guide on Tracking Guest Count.




This shows the revenue minus the COGS (Cost of Goods) within the chosen time range, again compared to your benchmark. 


Note - Kounta calculates your Cost of Goods for you. Check out our guide on Cost of Goods to learn more!



Reporting Groups

This shows the Total $ Sales (paid + open orders) for each Reporting Group within the chosen time range.



Tap on a Reporting Group to see the top 10 Products 



 Note - Reporting Groups help you derive an accurate Sales Breakdown on your reports. To learn more, check out our guide on Setting up Reporting Groups for your venue!

Order Types 

This shows the Total $ Sales (paid + open orders) for each Order Type (Dine-in, Takeaway, Catering etc.) within the chosen time range.


Note - The Order Types Add-on collects this data. You can set this up to prompt your staff to ask so that mistakes and delays are avoided. Check out our guide on Setting up Order Types.



What can I find under Trends?

 Trends lets you choose and compare key metrics from a Monthly or Weekly point of view, giving you a fast way to spot the trends that impact your business the most and take action.


Here you can select a measure to see how it is trending compared to the average. You can also select 2 measures to see how the trends relate to each other.



Monthly Trend

This shows the selected Measure(s) for the past 3 complete months.

Each month can be selected to show how this particular month's data compares to the trend with totals and a % difference.

Weekly Trend

This shows the selected Measure(s) for the past 6 complete weeks.

Each week can be selected to show how this particular week's data compares to the trend with totals and a % difference.


What can I find under Alerts?

Here you can find alerts for Reconciliations and End of Day reports.


These alerts draw your show you when a takings reconciliation has been completed and the variance amount.


Tap to see details on:

  • Recorded & Counted amounts
  • When the Takings was complete
  • Site Location
  • Register
  • Staff Member


End of Day Reports

These alerts will be sent when after your venue closes (based on your Trading Hours). Here you will be able to see a snapshot the figures from the day is the same layout as the Dashboard, in addition to the reconciliation data.


You can also get to these reports by taping on More ,then End of Day Reports.

From here you can also choose to see "Today" or "Yesterday", so you can check how a venue is going in comparison to the previous day without having to login to Insights Web.

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