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Setting up Tables


A new level of ease for table-service - with Lightspeed’s Tables Add-on, staff can see at a glance which tables have not ordered yet, which are waiting, and which customers are about to leave.

Customise the layout to match your restaurant floor plan so your staff can always see exactly what's happening. A faster, more responsive table management system for your staff and a more seamless experience for your customers. It’s a win-win!

This guide will cover how to set up and customise Tables.



What's in this guide?


Enable Tables add-on

Customise Tables layout

Frequently Asked Questions


Before you begin

  • POS plan on Manage or above is required

Enable Tables add-on


1. From the Features Page in Lightspeed back office, find the Tables add-on



2. Enable this Feature by clicking on the Enable Tables button
Follow the instructions and switch to POS, press the Tables button, in the header next to the Orders button.



Customise Tables layout


You will find powerful and easy to use editing tools to help you create your layout.

1. From your Point of Sale, select Tables



2. You will find a default layout. Select Edit

3. A dialogue box will prompt you that you’re about to enter editing mode. Select OK

4. These are the basic tools in editing mode. Here are a few notes:




Here is a cheat sheet of common tasks and how to do them:

Change table shape - You can simply trash the current table and replace it with another table that has the desired shape. Choose from either a circle, or square/rectangle.
Change the table number - Simply select the table. You will see a dialogue box where you can change the table number.
Add flooring - Drag the desired floor design on the canvas. You can then resize the floor tile. Even if you drag it over other items, it will automatically be underneath other items.



Resize a table or other items - you can resize tables, structures, and floor designs. Simply hover over the side of the item and when the resize cursor appears, drag into the desired size




Turn a chair around - You can choose from four chair orientations from the menu; but once a chair is on the canvas, you can adjust it to face other directions - simply click the chair (this will make it turn in a counterclockwise direction.)



Hide a section or change section names - Select the cog icon. Change the name by entering the new name on the name field. To hide a section, toggle it to No



Frequently Asked Questions


Do I need to pay for the Tables Add-on?

Add-ons are included with different Lightspeed Plans - so check if this one is already included with yours.
If you need a plan upgrade, it's a fine day for a power-up! Talk to us.


How do I monitor how my tables are doing?

On Lightspeed Insights, you can have the data to know what works and what doesn't in your venue's layout. Are some tables attracting more customers? Are there tables that make you more revenue? What's the trend? Explore Lightspeed Tables Dashboard to get the answers. 

Can I make Tables my home screen on the Point of Sale?

Yes, you can. You can even set up which register devices will have the Tables layout as the home screen. For these settings, refer to our guide for Sales Screen Default under Register-Specific Workflow Settings.


How many sections can I have on my Tables layout?

It is a maximum of three sections. You can choose to hide sections too as shown above.


Are there any add-on compatibilities to be aware of?

Tables is not supported when combined with the Group Ordering add-on; and can cause issues with printing if enabled on the same site.


What's my next step?


Now you have your Tables layout, take a moment to show your staff how it works. Our video guide will show how to take an order, merge orders or split an order - easily with Tables.  


Make your Tables layout the main POS screen by configuring your registers workflow


This add-on does not only streamline your order-taking process, it also collects data on your tables. Use this data to answer questions such as: Which tables generate the most revenue? When are the tables busy and when are they quiet - and much more. Lightspeed Tables Insights helps you to create the best customer experiences from data-driven decisions.


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