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Create a new Lightspeed account

Welcome to Lightspeed!

Opening a new business can be a busy time - so we're here to help you sign up with Lightspeed. This guide will get you through the steps to create a new Lightspeed account. If you get stuck - we're here for you - our Support runs on Hospo time - 24/7.


New Customers 

If you wish to get started with Lightspeed, please contact our team here or give us a call using the phone number from our website.

After filling in this form someone will be in touch and get you started.


Existing Customers

Do I need a new account for each new site?

If you have multiple companies, stores, or sites, you do NOT need to create a new Lightspeed account for each one. You can add more than one store or site to your Lightspeed account.


Can I create multiple accounts with the same email?

One email for each account. However, if you need to expand with new sites or companies you can do this with the same account.


Can I transfer ownership of Lightspeed from an existing business?

Yes you can! Learn about buying an existing business and transferring ownership.



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